Dr. Regina Trinko
- Psychologin
- Psychotherapeutin (Individualpsychologie)
- Individualpsychologische Kinder- und Jugendlichen- Psychotherapeutin
- Orff-Musiktherapeutin
freelance and self-employed clinical psychologist, individual psychological psychotherapist
Born in Salzburg
2 children
Praxis Aigen: Haus für PhysioBalance, Uferstraße 2b, 5026 Salzburg-Aigen
Phone: +43 (0)664 73430098
Email: regina.trinko(at)live.at
Professional career
- Studies of Psychology and Romance Studies in Salzburg
- During her studies, additional training as a social pedagogue and Orff music therapist
- Work as a psychologist in various clinics: Children’s Hospital Salzburg
- Children’s Hospital Glanzing (Vienna), Wilhelminenspital and AKH
- Psychological director of a children’s outpatient clinic in Vienna
- After the birth of my children work in my own practice
- supervisor at “Save the Child”