
Paediatric osteopathy







My philosophy


I would be delighted if you regain your health in our house.

Profil Karin

Your Karin Brandl-Neudorfer

Osteopath and physiotherapist

The healing profession as a physiotherapist, osteopath and pediatric osteopath is an art of touch for me. Touching and letting oneself be touched are the basis on the way to recovery.

Every mother knows about the comforting and healing effect of her hands for the suffering child. The teachers of these mothers were intuition and love.

This healing touch begins already in the preventive osteopathic treatment of mother and unborn baby during pregnancy.

“Develop these thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing fingers and make yourself touch.”

(Dr. W. G. Sutherland – founder of cranio-sacral therapy as part of osteopathy)

This vision has accompanied me in my freelance work for 20 years now and, after numerous training and further education, enables me to accompany every patient with a lot of dedication , individually and holistically according to the latest scientific knowledge.